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Autumn & Halloween Designs

Cross Stitch > Autumn & Halloween Designs
Showing 1 - 55 of results

31st of October SMIDGEN pattern (s23)


Autumn Bits | S24 A Smidgen Pattern


Autumn Blue House | A Smidgen Pattern


Autumn Typography Cross Stitch Pattern


Autumn Typography Pillow Kit #475


Be Ye Thankful Cross Stitch Pattern


Be Ye Thankful pillow kit #988


Boo Tie One On-359


Boo to You pillow kit #191


Eat, Drink & Be Scary pillow kit #958


Fangtastic | S13 A Smidgen Cross Stitch pattern


Frank & His Friend | CP136 cross stitch pattern


Good Witch, Bad Witch-310


Grateful Heart | S12 A Smidgen Cross Stitch pattern


Gratitude is Enough | cross stitch pattern CP22


Gratitude is Enough | cross stitch pillow kit 1423


Halloween Blocks Stitch Along | CP134 Pattern


Halloween Expressions SMIDGEN pattern (s26)


If The Shoe Fits 386


Just a bunch of Hocus Pocus (LK26)


Just a bunch of Hocus Pocus Pillow Kit #476


November - Give Thanks pillow kit #984


November Expressions-379


November Hilltop | CP 145 Cross Stitch Pattern


November Life is Just a Bowl of Cross Stitch | cp158 pattern


November Pillow kit #972


November Stamp Special Delivery pillow kit #1411


November Typography Club | CP131 pattern


October Expressions-378


October Happy Haunting pillow kit #983


October Hilltop | CP144 Cross Stitch Pattern


October Life is Just a Bowl of Cross Stitch | cp157 pattern


October pillow kit #971


October Stamp Special Delivery pillow kit #1410


October Typography Club | CP130 pattern


Pumpkins a Plenty-642


September - Welcome Autumn Days pillow kit #982


September Expressions-377


September Hilltop | CP143 Cross Stitch Pattern


September Life is Just a Bowl of Cross Stitch | cp156 pattern


September pillow kit #970


September Stamp Special Delivery pillow kit #1409


September Typography Club | CP129 pattern


Shadows of Halloween pillow kit #1422


Sit a Spell pillow kit #640


Snapshot NOVEMBER | cross stitch pattern CP111


Snapshot OCTOBER | cross stitch pattern cp110


Snapshot SEPTEMBER cross stitch pattern | CP109


Spooktacular Cross Stitch Pattern


Spooktacular Pillow Kit #987


Spooky Typography cross-stitch pattern


Spooky Typography pillow kit #469


Thanksgiving Turkey | cp135 Pattern


Witches Brew Cross Stitch Pattern cp113


Witchey Witchey tie one on | 387 cross stitch kit
